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Find Your Forward

Transferenz Counseling and Psychotherapy PLLC
A Professional Counseling practice serving Texas and the American expat community in Brazil.
Gottman Method Couples Counseling
Expat Life and Individual Therapy
Career Counseling and Assessment
Aconselhamento de carreira para adolescentes no Brasil (em Inglês)
Areas of Expertise

What I Do

Gottman Method Couples Counseling

The Gottman Method of Couples Therapy is based on Dr. John Gottman’s research that began in the 1970’s and continues to this day. The research has focused on what makes relationships succeed or fail. From this research, Drs. John and Julie Gottman have created a method of therapy that emphasizes a “nuts-and-bolts” approach to improving clients’ relationships. This method is designed to help teach specific tools to deepen friendship and intimacy in your relationship. To help you productively manage conflicts, you will be given methods to manage “resolvable problems” and dialogue about “gridlocked” (or perpetual) issues. We will also work together to help you appreciate your relationship’s strengths and to gently navigate through its vulnerabilities.

Career Counseling
and Expat Life

Often, the concerns and issues clients bring into therapy touch upon issues of their life's purpose, and finding meaning in what they do. Client's questions about career need more than just a referral out to some generic online career fit assessment. Consultations include the Strong Interest Inventory® and a deep-dive, personalized interpretative report designed to assist therapists in better addressing the underlying issues driving their client's questions surrounding possible vocational and academic paths.

Career Counseling for Teens

Is your teen still trying to find their way forward? Navigating the transition from adolescence to adulthood can be overwhelming for both teens and their parents. As your teen approaches these pivotal years, they may face uncertainty about their future—whether it’s choosing the right college, finding a career that aligns with their passions, or managing the anxiety that often accompanies these big decisions. My career counseling services are designed to guide your teen through this pivotal time, offering personalized support that helps them clarify their goals, build confidence, and make informed decisions. I specialize in helping English-speaking teens who are considering studying or eventually working in another country, providing them with the insights they need to succeed on a global scale. Additionally, I utilize the most trusted and reliable career assessment tests to ensure your teen receives the best guidance possible. Together, we can ensure your teen feels empowered to enter the next chapter of their life with clarity and purpose.

The Strong Interest Inventory® assessment is a career exploration and planning tool designed to identify an individual’s interests and work preferences. It helps people explore potential careers and educational pathways that align with their interests, leading to more informed decisions and successful, fulfilling careers.

Additional Services

Additional Services

Projeto Brasileiro de Aconselhamento Profissional
(em Inglês)

O Projeto Brasileiro de Aconselhamento de Carreira para escolas bilíngues no Brasil é uma experiência psicoeducacional e terapêutica em grupo de seis semanas para adolescentes de 14 a 17 anos que frequentam ou estão começando seus programas de ensino médio em São Paulo, Brasil. O objetivo do programa é preparar os alunos para as escolhas de faculdade e carreira que farão antes da conclusão do ensino médio. O foco do programa é: •⁠ ⁠Lidar com a ansiedade; •⁠ ⁠Explorar a personalidade e a autoimagem; •⁠ ⁠Melhorar as habilidades de definição de metas. Escolas e pais interessados ​​em participar podem solicitar informações por meio do nosso formulário de contato abaixo.

Aconselhamento de Carreira Para Adolescentes
(em Inglês)

Seu/sua filho/a adolescente ainda está tentando encontrar seu melhor caminho à frente? Navegar pela transição da adolescência para a vida adulta pode ser avassalador e estressante tanto para os adolescentes quanto para seus pais. À medida que seu/sua filho/a adolescente se aproxima desses anos cruciais, ele/a pode enfrentar incertezas sobre seu futuro — seja para escolher a faculdade certa, encontrar uma carreira que se alinhe com suas paixões ou administrando a ansiedade que geralmente acompanha essas grandes decisões. Meu serviço de aconselhamento de carreira é projetado para orientar seu/sua filho/a adolescente durante esse momento crucial, oferecendo suporte personalizado que o ajudará a esclarecer seus objetivos, tornando-o/a mais confiante para tomar decisões mais acertadas. Sou especialista em ajudar adolescentes que falam inglês e que estão pensando em estudar ou eventualmente trabalhar em outro país, fornecendo os insights de que precisam para ter sucesso em escala global. Além disso, utilizo testes de avaliação de carreira confiáveis ​​e eficazes para garantir que seu/sua filho/a adolescente receba a melhor orientação possível. Juntos, podemos garantir que seu/sua filho/a se sinta capacitado/a para entrar no próximo capítulo de sua vida com clareza e propósito.

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Get in Touch

If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment, please feel free to reach out to us.


On Avenida Paulista near Estação Consolação

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© 2024 by Transferenz Counseling and Psychotherapy PLLC

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